泰開(美國(guó))電(diàn)氣有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司是泰開集團全資子公(gōng)司,注冊地為(wèi)加利福尼亞州托蘭斯市。負責美國(guó)及拉美市場輸變電(diàn)設備的銷售、安(ān)裝(zhuāng)、維護及相關技(jì )術服務(wù),輸變電(diàn)設備相關産(chǎn)品的進出口業務(wù)。
TAIKAI Electric USA, Inc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taikai Group, registered in Torrance, California. TAIKAI Electric USA, Inc is responsible for the sales, installation, maintenance, and related technical services of power transmission and transformation equipment in the USA and Latin American markets, as well as the import and export of power transmission and transformation equipment related products.